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/ Collaboration with DanChurchAid


Nordic Food Partners are cooperating with the DanChurchAid through purchases from DanChurchAid’s projects in Cambodia and by suppling WeFood Organic Basmati Broken Rice to the WeFood shops in Denmark.


In October 2021 we launched NFP GREEN-CHOICE ORGANIC AROMATIC RICE in cooperation with DanChurchAid and Salling Group. 

Based on small organic farmers in Cambodia as well as the production at our rice mill in Denmark, we have designed a product, which is attractive for consumers, which favours the Cambodian farmers and which directly contributes to DanChurchAid’s aid programs.




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CSR and growth go hand in hand

At Nordic Food Partners A/S, we acknowledge that CSR and growth go hand in hand. Knowing that our supply chain is often rooted in some of the poorest countries in the world, we have based our business on the strong belief that through development of organic food production and sustainability, we can contribute to poverty alleviation and a higher standard of living, particularly among farmers in 3rd countries. 


Innovation that improves the farmers' standard of living

As pioneers in organic rice since more than a decade, we still actively seek to convert cooperatives of conventional farmers into organic and value-added production, replacing conventional cultivation. 


Such conversion into organic cultivation we believe will generate greater earnings from production and increased biodiversity, which ultimately will create better living conditions for the farmers, their families, and the community of which they are a part of.

AMRU Rice 

The activities and projects of AMRU RICE are aimed at improving farmers' income and livelihoods. The work is aimed purposefully on the sector's general promotion and development and the goal is to reap the full benefits of the country's "white gold" as a recognized international product. Read more about the projects of AMRU here.



We believe that our ability to operate and develop Nordic Food Partners responsibly and sustainably, with respect for both people and the environment, is crucial for our continued growth and success.


Our CSR policies are described in our Code of Conduct, which all Nordic Food Partners employees and all approved suppliers must follow. The Code of Conduct lays down compliance with all applicable environmental, occupational and safety issues and similar laws:


  • ​NFP and suppliers to NFP must at all times respect and comply with local as well as international legislation and environmental legislation.

  • NFP and NFP suppliers must not use involuntary labor (forced labor).

  • ​​NFP and suppliers to NFP must treat all employees equally and with respect.

  • NFP and suppliers to NFP must not discriminate against employees, nor co-operation partners.

  • NFP and NFP providers must actively allow their employees to join (eg, in a trade union) and to negotiate their terms of employment collectively.

  • NFP and suppliers to NFP must not use child labor under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ILO Conventions.

  • NFP and NFP suppliers must not allow social injustice or breaches of human rights in supply chains.


Nordic Food Partners A/S supports society's general desire to reduce food waste.


We wish to fight unnecessary food waste, as food waste is a burden on the economy, but also on the environment and society.


We take an active part in minimizing food waste, which is one of the reasons why we offer a zip-lock function on our packaging.

We have inserted a zip-lock so that consumers can open and close the bag again and make sure that your food products will maintain the high quality through the total shelf life, without having to use all the contents at once.

We use sortable and recyclable plastic for this purpose in order to protect and preserve the planet.


Our latest initiative fighting food waste is a formalized agreement with the highly respected NGO, Danish Church Aid, about their sale of our by-products in their stores, from which any financial profit will go undiminished to the fight against poverty in developing countries.



Nordic Food Partners A/S registration and processing of personal data is subject to the EU regulation on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free exchange of such information together with the related Danish legislation (the Data Protection Act).


Nordic Food Partners A/S does not store personal data (race, ethnicity, health information, sexual belief, genetic information, political belief, religion, biometric information, union affiliation, and philosophical beliefs). If Nordic Food Partners A / S finds that this information appears from any material, this will be deleted.


Nordic Food Partners A/S uses the employee's personal information according to statutory use according to the tax legislation's reporting obligation to SKAT and payroll.


You can object at any time that information about you is subject to storage and processing. Any consent may be revoked at any time. Objections or revocation of consent must be made by contacting


You have the opportunity to complain about Nordic Food Partners A/S storage and processing of data regarding you.

Complaints are filed, if necessary, with the Data Inspectorate.

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